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Basic Qaida Reading with Tajwead

The very important step is to learn how to read the Basic Qaida with Tajweed rules, this course will be taught in two stages:


In this first stage students will be taught how to pronounce the Arabic letters, from their specific places as are in Arabic language.

Basic Tajweed rules:Basic Tajweed rules:

In this step students will be taught to pronounce the letters with Tajweed.

Quran reading with Tajweed

The very important step is to learn how to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed rules, this course will be taught in two stages:


In this first stage students will be taught how to pronounce the Arabic letters, from their specific places as are in Arabic language.

Basic Tajweed rules:

In this step students will be taught to pronounce the letters with Tajweed.

Quran with Translation

This course is only for those who can read the holy Quran with Tajweed because the first right of the Quran is to read it with correct Pronunciation and then to understand. This course needs to learn some basic Arabic grammar rules which help the student to understand the Arabic Language which is the language of the Holy Quran.

Quran with Tafseer

This course is only for those who can read the holy Quran with Tajweed because the first right of the Quran is to read it with correct Pronunciation and then to understand. This course needs to learn some basic Arabic grammar rules which help the student to understand the Arabic Language which is the language of the Holy Quran.

Quran Memorization

Memorizing Quran simply means learning it by heart. This course is designed for those who want to memorize the Holy Quran online; our expert tutors will guide the learners step by step giving specific lessons every day as homework. The way would be just like physical classes in Madrasas/Ismalic centres.

INSHALLAH you will memorize the Holy Quran at your own pace